My GF wanted to try anal, and she suggested watching some porn. Fuck yeah! I may have had this bookmarked. you see honey, in porn, anal always involves something called ass to mouth. My cock is gonna need to get sucked clean every time I pull it out of your asshole. You can suck it, or you can bring a friend to suck your ass juice off my cock. Either way, it's part of the deal. We watched this, and she got kinda turned on! I think I have a keeper!
My GF wanted to try anal, and she suggested watching some porn. Fuck yeah! I may have had this bookmarked. you see honey, in porn, anal always involves something called ass to mouth. My cock is gonna need to get sucked clean every time I pull it out of your asshole. You can suck it, or you can bring a friend to suck your ass juice off my cock. Either way, it's part of the deal. We watched this, and she got kinda turned on! I think I have a keeper!